Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hottest 'fashion statements' of the decade

The decade gave us a lot to talk, tease and brag about! From people, politics and controversies, fashion and beauty was another 'happening segment' which was marked by a great deal of commotion.

So, as we begin a new journey into another decade, here's looking back at 'the' fashion and beauty trends worthy enough to be tagged as the 'storm-churners' of the decade...

Revival of the sensuous sari: The sari that had almost lost its charm in the last decade was revived as the most sensual avatar, thanks to the leading ladies of the film industry who made it a staple costume at every red carpet event.

Mandira's noodle straps: If the sari ruled the fashion scene, blouses were not far behind. Apart from making waves by adding glamour to the otherwise 'men-centric' game of cricket actor/anchor Mandira Bedi brought on a sensuous style statement with her noodle-strapped blouses. It won't be exaggeration to say that she gave women a reason to watch cricket and another reason to watch even a losing match.

Kurties: A little longer than a top and a little shorter than a regular kameez , the hip-length kurties , came as a saviour for the fuller-bodied Indian women. Traditional yet chic, they were a perfect attire to hide the big backside that Indian women are usually blessed with but at the same time, were good enough for lean lasses. No wonder, the stylish kurti received a warm welcome only to find a place in every woman's wardrobe in past few years.

Denim: This is one fabric which has been worshipped in this decade by every shape and size. From the good old jeans, skirts, jackets to the ever creative bags, chappals and even wallets, denim has been one of the most unanimously loved fashion trend.

Short numbers: Blame it to the fact that Indian women are becoming bold in their fashion sensibilities and fit enough to carry anything with élan, and so 'everything short' gained popularity during the decade. The otherwise western concept of the 'little black dress' swept across the Indian fashion scene and one could see little dresses in every colour around. Apart from dresses, hot pants and short skirts too caught every fashionistas fancy.

Bikini on the babes : Once again, it's the time to pay a tribute to women's bold attempts. The otherwise 'innerwear' became a proud outer wear in this decade. The 'Haw-haws' and raised eyebrows that actresses got every time they got into a bikini were replaced by admiration and praise for the hot body flaunting a tiny-miny bikini in the recent years. No wonder, the bikini scene became every actress' step towards popularity. What's more even common women are open to the idea of flaunting a sexy number once they get into a perfect shape!

The power of a knife: "What God didn't give, doctor gave," said motor mouth Rakhi Sawant for her artificially enhanced assets and soon a trend was set. Botox, silicone became the buzz word when not just celebrities, but even the otherwise 'girl-next-door' lined at the nearest cosmetic clinic to get the dream nose, lips and anything else for that matter. Something worth appreciating about this fad was that these artificial beauties had no qualms flaunting their doctored secrets with enviable ease and pride.

Men and grooming connect: While 90's belonged to the macho man, 2000s saw a twist in the tale, where the macho man was spotted getting a manicure and pedicure. The credit of this breed that didn't blink at wearing pink nor was hesitant about waxing the hairy chest goes to none other than Karan Johar. He made the leading actors in his movies look beauty conscious and the country followed suit.

Much ado about fairness: While we were still bashing racists around the world, fairness crème companies were busy propagating the 'fairness obsession' not only among the so called fair sex, but also among men! The availability of fairness crèmes made especially for men is a testimony to the trend.

Reds and pinks: These two colours gained quite a lot of followers in the last few years. While all shades of pink, from baby pink to fuchsia, became the corporate blue for men, red was a woman's way to be sexy and hot. From long nails painted red, to red coloured streaks to that enchanting pout in the hue of rouge, red was every party hoppers way to sensuality.

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